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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Follow-up with Dr. Mehta and my choice of poison

After my second opinion with Dr. Overmeyer, oncologist at Dana Farber- Brookline yesterday I had a follow-up with my oncologist at Dana Farber Community Care (at Holy Family) today. 

The newly renovated center resulting from the Dana Farber affiliation which officially commenced on June 1st, the location looked new and shiny, but like most IT projects, they were having problems with the computer system.  Of course I wasn't scheduled (according to what was showing).  The attendant said 'We have you for next Thursday.'  I added, "I am scheduled for chemo next Thursday. I have a follow-up with Dr Mehta that they scheduled when they were located in the other part of the building."  "Oh, that explains it", she gasped.  She took my information and asked me to be seated until she could talk to Dr. Mehta.

Shortly after, I was called and was cuffed with a hand-written wrist band.  Whatever.  I was directed back to the waiting area but it didn't take long before I was called to have my vitals checked. Guess I passed muster because Dr. Metha arrived just as this task was completed.

I briefed Dr. Mehta on what I learned through the paperwork he provided at our last visit and how Dr. Overmeyer was in agreement with the approach and benefit of chemo (for me).  I had mentioned that it was really down to AC or TC: Pepsi or Coke.  I did add that Dr. O. felt strongly that I should have an echocardiogram.  Dr. Mehta shook his head and reminded me that side effects of AC are cumulative. (And as Dr. O. stated), the amount I will be receiving lessens the risks.  He also reminded me he had said prior to AC, if chosen, he would ensure that I would be a candidate.  Meaning he was going to check the heart via echocardiogram [although he never said that word at the time]. This also holds true for the risk of leukemia.  The risk is lowered by the expected lower dosage of AC. So he asked me, "What's it going to be? Pepsi or Coke?"

I replied that based on both consultations, test data and various research efforts, I choose Adriamycin (AC) for my chemotherapy.  However,  I will undergo an echocardiogram to determine if I am a candidate for this approach. 

At this time the order of events is as follows:

  • Day one - Echocardiogram and labs
  • Day two - chemotherapy orientation – health care team approach to discuss/educate me on the drugs I’ll be taking, the drugs prescribed to counteract side effects, diet, do and do not's, and what to expect.
  • The big day – more labs, a visit with Dr. Mehta and 4hrs in the chemo room(sounds like a blast - NOT)

Possible spoilers:

  • That ‘something’ I contracted on my arm is being treated with prednisone (10 days) to eliminate what is thought to be contact dermatitis.  There is a still fear that it’s a skin infection.  If it is, I will need to be on an antibiotic (probably 10 days) and this will cause the chemo start to be moved out a week or two, depending.  By tomorrow (Friday) afternoon I will need to notify Dr. Mehta if it hasn't greatly improved.  He will prescribe antibiotics and we will need to reschedule everything else when it's cleared up.
  • If the echocardiogram comes back unfavorably, I will need to choose the other chemo Taxotere (TC) which has side effects that are really concerning to me (neuropathy).  Given that this could be a quality of life or life/death situation, I would have little choice in this.  Also, if I am not a candidate resulting from the results of the echocardiogram it could be that there is an underlying condition that may also need attention.

In addition, if I do not or cannot go with AC, the chemo date will also need to be moved so TC can be ordered and available.  [I guess it's not really Coke and Pepsi - there seems to be an abundance of that.]

I notified work. Assuming I am a candidate and things go according to schedule, there is no telling how I will be feeling from the chemo and side effects.  From that point it’s going to be day to day on my coning into work.  

More joy to come.  

Cheers! [burp] Excuse me. ;-)

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