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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Good days and bad days

Although my blood test results were 'normal' that might equate to being the 'acceptable average'.  I'm not certain if normal is 'my normal'.  That said, I can only attest to my having good days and bad days.

On good days, I seem to have energy and feel generally 'good'.  I wake early. Have coffee.  Create my 'list' and seem to be able to accomplish any task I begin and am able to finish my 'list' of things to do.  If the sun is out and the air is dry I tend to thrive and all is right with the world.

Conversely, on bad days I can't seem to get into gear or get out of my own way.  I feel lethargic, have low energy levels and talk myself out of doing or delaying any task unless it's critical or urgent. I feel out of sorts and tend to take many cat naps while channel surfing. On rainy days, this is exacerbated. I may have a day or two of these 'bad' days in a row and apparently for no known reason begin to feel good. I'm still trying to figure my new bio-rhythms and determine what the triggers are for feeling good and feeling bad.

Given I'm at the end of my first chemo cycle, I've noted lingering symptoms/side effects including: muscle spasms (charlie horse) which seems to be somewhat better since I've begun eating a banana a day; numbness in my thumb and forefinger; numbness in the balls of my feet (although diminishing); soreness in the area where the chemo was delivered (vein) by IV; occasional but ongoing sniffles; thrush of the throat (mitigated with baking soda and water rinse).  In addition I've noted some new issues that may be a side effect: split skin in my oral cavity (not visible but noticeable when I have something acidic like vinegar); acne (in the strangest places).

I am making the most of my good and bad days though.  I have picked up my guitar a few times (first time since February).  I lost my callouses, so I'm driven to get those back. I researched home network storage (NAS) and will be setting that up so I can cancel some of my cloud storage for pay services. When energy is low, I binge watch series on Netflix or On Demand.  I'm currently on season two of Game of Thrones. [I highly recommend this series if you haven't seen it.]

Day one of my retirement starts a week from today - July 1.  Wow!

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