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Monday, March 13, 2023

Litlle Of This And That

Since my last post, I've had a number of tests.  

I received the results of my CT Scan/Urogram through my patient portal. I'm no doctor, even though I play one on TV, but the notes I received indicated that things looked pretty normal, meaning that the cancer has not spread.  

There were two items in the notes that I questioned.  One being presence of blood.  I haven't seen any bleeding, but it might be microscopic and the notes indicated that it could be related to an infection (UTI), although I have no symptoms.  I have had urine tests performed after this and there was no mention of a UTI or presence of blood.  The other note mentioned that the left wall of my bladder had a thickening.  I recall Dr Previte telling me that tumors were found on the left wall. So I'm not sure if this means scar tissue or new growth.  I do have  a biopsy/cystoscopy scheduled in April and a follow-up with Dr Previte the week before to discuss the urogram.  

I also have a tele-health follow-up with Dr Mosannen later in April to also discuss the urogram and the next steps. I am hopefully optimistic that the BCG worked this time, but am prepared that it might not have.  I know of others who have had multiple rounds of BCG before the cancer was relegated to monitoring status.  One of the early discussions with Dr Previte also mentioned this possibility.

I had my annual mammogram last week and I received notification that no cancer or growths were found.  

Follow-up With Dr Mehta
Today, I had a follow-up with Dr. Mehta. Prior to my appointment he requested that I have blood work done.  After my arrival and quickly after check-in I was called for my stabbing ritual.  Although I stated that phlebotomists don't have much luck with the veins in my arm and most of the time resort to my writs.  Well who am I?  Of course the first pin prick yielded nothing.  The next arm wasn't much better.  I could sense that the attendant was adamant in proving me wrong and proceeded to torture me with more jabbing.  Still nothing.  I guess she relented and headed for my wrist.  I don't like to watch, but I could hear her make a noise of approval (successful) and a quick sigh of disbelief when the needle came out and fell on the floor. She called for help and another came in and tried my vein on my right arm.  I knew she would not be successful. She wasn't.  So she went to my other wrist.  Finally, she yielded some blood, but apparently not as much as they wished, so they kibitzed a bit and decided that what they got they could use. When I got home and removed all my bandages, my arms where all black and blue. No gloating from me because I was right, but glad it's not short sleeve weather. I was dismissed and told to wait to be called to see Dr. Mehta.
In the waiting room I completed making corrections to my file print-out and was called.  I followed the nurse to an examination room and waited for the doctor to arrive.  It seemed like 20 minutes or so when he finally arrived. We discussed the results of the genetic cancer panel I had done at the end of last year.  He said he was pleased to see that I didn't have the Braca 1, 2 gene.  I know I was tested for that in 2016, but internal systems upgraded at Dana Farber caused those results to 'get lost'.  I did have a copy on paper, 'somewhere' but I could find it, so this is a good confirmation.
The doctor checked both breasts for lumps an anomalies.  He said, "Normal".  [A good word].  We discussed the upcoming procedures and requested that I see him in two months. I bid him good day and proceeded to check out and made the appointment.

More to come

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