Well finally...finally we are having summer-like weather. It's been so cold prior to our heat wave of the last few days. We are reminded that this is New England and weather patterns are quirky at best. The weather has changed and today is absolutely beautiful. Let's hope the nice weather sticks around for a spell.
Last week I had a follow-up nurse visit at my primary care. Dr. Rees had asked me to 'drop in' for a lipid test. Since my visit with him and as a follow-up to my Triple A repair, he was in agreement with me that I didn't need the cholesterol drug - Atorvastatin prescribed by Dr. Schanzer. So I had stopped taking it last month. Dr. Rees wanted to see what my 'numbers' looked like after a month off the drug. Good news. They are stellar. YAY - something is going right.
Today I had my 6 month follow-up with Dr. Mehta at Dana Farber, Holy Family in Methuen. I was barely finished with my check in when I was called in. After the nurse took my vitals, Dr Mehta quickly arrived. He asked me how things were going. I had mentioned that since my last visit, I had my Triple A repaired but had a tough time recovering. Also, I had a visit with Dr. Ross (Neurologist). I was told there was nothing he could do for my neuropathy. Dr. Mehta said, "I thought that may be the case, but wanted you to see him to rule out a cause by something other than chemotherapy." Dr. Mehta said again, "We discussed the risks at the time of our discussions on type of chemo." I said that it's more of nuisance, but I'm able to enjoy life despite the neuropathy in my feet.
He asked if I had been taking Tamoxifen. I said, yes. He asked about the side effects - hot flashes and I said they seemed to have abated since the late winter months. He said, "That was the expectation. You shouldn't get anymore." I did mention about the weird neuropathy in my thumb and finger and that there's no rhyme or reason for the cycles. I said, "Today is a bad day. I have noticed, but it may be circumstantial, but it seems to worsen around the full moon." He had no comment to add.
He had me remove my shirt and commented on the results of the reconstruction surgery. "This came out great. No one would even know", he said. He proceeded to check for lumps and masses. I had mentioned that I do self-examinations, but am perplexed with the lumps I find as a result of the reconstruction. Also, as nerves regenerate, there is sometimes pain in the area, but my first thoughts have been: Is it coming back? He told me that I'm fine, at a low risk and not to be concerned with numbers/percentages. I had mentioned that I did have some level of anxiety prior to today's appointment. He said, "I would too, but you are good. We'll see you in 6 months."
More to come!