It was quite busy at Northeast Urological for my last dose of BCG. I had a very early appointment and the parking lot was maxed. I had to park way at the end of the lot. It was a brisk partly cloudy October day, so the little jaunt hopefully would wake me up. At the advice of the Physician's Assistant, I dispensed from my daily coffee. This helps during my marination, but I feel foggy-brained. A necessary trade off.
Upon entering the lobby, I was able to check in right away. However, I wasn't provided with a specimen jar. When I inquired why today would be different, the medical assistant said, "Right. I need my coffee. I forgot.' I told her I can relate. I took the container and headed for the rest room. There are three, but today all were occupied. So I had to wait. I finally did the deed and returned to the lobby.
I just sat down and my name was called. While walking to the examination room, I was grilled on my vitals. I had the same room as last time. The one I called the meat locker. I readied myself and tightly wrapped the large napkin around my nakedness to keep warm.
Michael and Joanne arrived. Joanne had previously been in training, Michael asked if it was OK for her to administer the BCG. I said, "No problem'.
Joanne wasn't as good as Michael, but the unpleasantness didn't last too long. She was done with everything quickly. Michael said according to my records, I'll be back for my in-office cystoscopy on November 22nd. I said, "Ya, the day be fore Thanksgiving." Michel went through his spiel on what to do if I developed a high temperature or felt ill, then both bid me a good day.
I was able to do my full two hours of marination. After voiding, I took some pyridium (Azo) to help with the burning and frequency. I had nothing on my calendar so I stayed home and surfed the net.
Like previous times, I felt blah, was cold and had little desire to do anything..other than drink fluids and flush out my system. I did pass a few clots. But, I was told I could have bleeding. It's disconcerting to see that, but I hope it's a sign that the BCG is working.
More to come!