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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Round 3 Of 3

Well I had a similar feeling of the last day of school after getting my 3rd dose of BCG. It took awhile but hind-sight; where did that time go?  But, I've completed this 'course' and the big exam will be on Leap Day.  I'm hoping for a clean bill of health.

Getting to this point hasn't been easy.  Dealing with the weather and health obstacles there were a few times where I thought I couldn't complete the regimen. During my previous maintenance (Sept/Oct), I had a few rough tolerance and recovery challenges.  I was prepared for that this time, but after my first round, I was able to soldier through and had a quick recovery.  However, subsequent treatments seemed to get tougher to cope with.  

After my second dose, thinking it was my body working to recover, I seemed to have had a bad reaction to the treatment, the flu, a cold or something.  I had no indication that it might be Covid.  I did test last Thursday just to rule it out.  And I tested negative.  As the days moved along, I felt much sicker.  It was suggested that I test again a few days later.  Lo and behold, I tested positive for Covid.

This was my second time with Covid.  Last time was January 2022.  That was mild compared to this.  But once I knew what the route cause of my illness was, I began to feel better incrementally.  Although I was aching, sneezing, runny-nosed, coughing, hoarse and phlegmy I began feeling a bit better each day.  I did have a few live streams, but decided it was in my best interest to cancel a showcase and jam session I had scheduled with friends in Maine.  

Sunday I seemed to come to life.  I was able to take my walk and do some errands (masked).  I felt almost back to normal on Monday.  Tuesday, I resumed my live stream and had no problems doing an hour set.  That brings me to today (Wednesday).

We had a bit of snow, but mostly nuisance snow not worthy of a shoveling.  The ride to the doctor's office, of course, was interrupted by a passing train.  I had to deal with a full parking lot.  At check in, they couldn't find me in their system.  So I had to produce my ID and insurance cards so they could be scanned.  Another employee took note of this and stepped in and 'found me'.  They did say they needed to update their records for the new year so providing my ID and insurance needed to be done.

I provided my obligatory specimen then was called in.  Once again I had the same examination room.  I had mentioned that it should be renamed since it's my personal exam room.  Not even a chuckle acknowledgement.  I guess no one wanted a laugh today.

I prepared for the instillation and waited swaddled in my napkin. Jenn the Physician's Attended arrived and we exchanged pleasantries.  She got right to work and was finished before I knew she started. After verifying my next cystoscopy date, she bid me adieu.

I arrived home and immediately began my marination.  I almost made the two hour basting, but had to cut it short by 5 minutes, because I just could hold it in anymore. [To be honest, I believe I went more than two hours because my kitchen timer didn't ring twice so, I may have been racking up more time than I thought.]

As recovery goes, compared to last week's far this has been easy.

More to come!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Now Things Make Sense

Since my last BCG treatment, I've been experiencing many symptoms. Other than the 'regular' symptoms, I had flu-like symptoms since Thursday.  I did take a Covid test and it came back negative.  As the days went on, I continued with my 'sickliness' and soldiered on.  I never thought of taking another Covid test....until today.

I received notification from a fellow musician that she test positive for Covid.  She had told me she was feeling sick on Friday.  She had attended a wedding in New York the previous weekend so she thinks she got it there.  Because I'm still dealing with 'whatever I have', I took a Covid test.  Well, big surprise...I'm now testing positive.

I've been housebound since Thursday afternoon and have been nursing my symptoms, so I can only assume that it started Thursday.  It's now Sunday and although I still don't feel well, have intermittent coughing jags, runny nose and general blah feeling.  I do feel a bit better.  But it makes complete sense now.

I'm hoping I'll be 'better' and testing negative before Wednesday (my next BCG treatment).

I checked my records and this is my second round with Covid.  The last one being January 2022.  My recollection is that my last time was more of a nuisance.  This time it hit me harder.  But now I know.

More to come!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

2nd Maintenance Dose Of BCG

Had been watching the weather forecasts and was hoping the snow would hold off, peter out or at least be timed so it wouldn't interfere with my 2nd dose of BCG.  After last week's snow (forecast of 5 to 8 inches) resulted in 18 inches of heavy wet snow I wasn't thrilled about the original timing for this storm.  Happily it came on Tuesday and only dropped about 5 inches of fluffy white stuff.  

We have been in an arctic blast  so one cannot ignore the accumulation since it could result in turning into concrete.  Last week's storm of 18 inches was washed away with a 'warmer' storm of 2 inches of rain. I do not see that happening this time.  So I was able to do clean-up Tuesday night.  

This morning, the sun was out, but with a breeze, arctic air and a wind chill, it felt like 8 degrees.  I had refrained from clearing my car off last night because we had some sleet/frozen rain which iced up everything.  But my decision was a good one.  It was very easy cleaning the car off since the 'crust' of ice didn't penetrate the snow.  Thank heavens for small favors.

Having nearly a half hour for travel to N Andover, I was prepared for any traffic or train crossing which would add to my commute.  Once again I was fortunate to have light traffic and no trains to worry about.  I did eat up some time looking for a place to park.  The parking lot stripes couldn't be seen so people parked where ever they liked.  I did snag a spot way at the end and carefully traipsed over iced cover sidewalks and took my place in queue at the doctor's office which was quite busy.  There were four windows for check in, but one said closed, two had patients at the window and another had no one present.  Eventually, the medical professional with the closed sign called me over.  I decided it was in my best interest to not mention that her window said closed. I was there, so I'd let someone else provide that unsolicited information.

My record was reviewed and certain statistics were verified while she grabbed a specimen jar for my obligatory sample.  She directed me to the rest room area and said, "You're all set".  Thank you!

I was doing my thing and was interrupted with knocks and heard, "Anyone in there?" "I'm in here."  "Ok, sorry."  I heard.   A few moments later another knock and similar exchange.  I assumed it was someone else, or they really had to go.  When I opened the door to leave, there was no one there.  We'll never know now.  I rejoined the throngs in the waiting room. 

It wasn't too long when I heard my name called.  I was grilled on my stats and was allowed to proceed.  We came to my now favorite examination room (or at least my most frequented). I was told to prepare my self and wait for the Physician's Assistant, Patrick.

Not long after, as I sat swaddled in my napkin, Patrick knock on the door and entered.  Mystery solved, I had him last week but didn't catch his name.  He went through his spiel, adjusted the table and arranged his implements.  He announced that he was going to get the medicine.

A few moments later he did his thing, quickly but with some discomfort, then said "I'll see you next week."

I got home and did my 2 hours of marination.  As the day progressed, I felt very blah and had some blood (which is normal).  So I'm taking it very slow today and will dispense from my daily walk  (extremely cold and low energy). I'm hopeful that the side effects will start to calm down by tomorrow.

Post Script: 

Day two: Still feeling achy, with stuffy nose slight sore throat and periodic coughing.  Still feeling cold and chilly. Voice is scratchy and tight feeling.  Refrained from participating on online sessions.  Did manage to play live stream, but I played all instrumentals. Took a Covid Test and it came back negative.  Still having difficulty passing urine.  Although the burning has subsided, the frequency is concerning.  I got up two times last night.

Day three: Still feeling flu-ey.  Muscles hurt from coughing.  Went through two boxes of kleenex.  Appetite is pretty non existent.  Been able to have Progresso soups I had on hand.  And insult to injury..I have a touch of vertigo.  I've canceled all my performances this weekend.  Frigid outside, good time to stay put and recover.

More to come!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Rinse And Repeat

January brings a new year and a new round of maintenance BCG.  I provided a urine sample 11/3 to determine if I would still be eligible to receive treatment.  Happy I got the 'good to go' sign.

Always a concern this time of year with Mother Nature's plans for the weather.  I had been watching the weather forecast with anticipation and hoped that the major storm predicted, would take place prior to my first round.  True to form, this part of the world got a good wallop of heavy wet snow.  Apparently the Merrimack Valley was the jackpot area and we received more than 18 inches of very heavy wet snow.  The storm came in a few phases and lasted the weekend.  

I had gone to sleep Saturday night and we had 2 inches, but the following day another 13 inches. The weatherman predicted that after the snow, temps would be falling so it was advised that snow be cleared ahead of the deep freeze.  I was out shoveling the driveway and clearing the roof at 6AM.  But the snow kept coming down.  Luckily the temps had dropped and new snow was on the fluffy side, but still needed shoveling.  I took many shoveling trips and stopped at 11PM. The next morning we had a few more inches.  Oh my muscles ached. 

Just like New England weather, we had a huge rain storm with temps in the 50's.  Best part was: most of the snow had melted.

Round One

Still on the warm side, the sun was out and my ride to Northeast Urological was uneventful.  The parking lot was almost full, but there were only a few patients in the waiting room.

After the obligatory specimen, I was called into a familiar examination room.  The (male) nurse [didn't catch his name] arrived and went through his spiel and had me sign some paperwork.  I had this guy as an observer one time, so I'm glad he got his promotion.  He was very methodical and efficient.  Really nothing eventful this time.

Went home and marinated.  So far just feeling cold and kind of blah.  Pretty much the same as other treatments.  So I'm taking it easy.  I did notice that another weather system is headed my way on Tuesday.  I hope it doesn't interfere with round two next week. One day at a time.

More to come!