January brings a new year and a new round of maintenance BCG. I provided a urine sample 11/3 to determine if I would still be eligible to receive treatment. Happy I got the 'good to go' sign.
Always a concern this time of year with Mother Nature's plans for the weather. I had been watching the weather forecast with anticipation and hoped that the major storm predicted, would take place prior to my first round. True to form, this part of the world got a good wallop of heavy wet snow. Apparently the Merrimack Valley was the jackpot area and we received more than 18 inches of very heavy wet snow. The storm came in a few phases and lasted the weekend.
I had gone to sleep Saturday night and we had 2 inches, but the following day another 13 inches. The weatherman predicted that after the snow, temps would be falling so it was advised that snow be cleared ahead of the deep freeze. I was out shoveling the driveway and clearing the roof at 6AM. But the snow kept coming down. Luckily the temps had dropped and new snow was on the fluffy side, but still needed shoveling. I took many shoveling trips and stopped at 11PM. The next morning we had a few more inches. Oh my muscles ached.
Just like New England weather, we had a huge rain storm with temps in the 50's. Best part was: most of the snow had melted.
Round One
Still on the warm side, the sun was out and my ride to Northeast Urological was uneventful. The parking lot was almost full, but there were only a few patients in the waiting room.
After the obligatory specimen, I was called into a familiar examination room. The (male) nurse [didn't catch his name] arrived and went through his spiel and had me sign some paperwork. I had this guy as an observer one time, so I'm glad he got his promotion. He was very methodical and efficient. Really nothing eventful this time.
Went home and marinated. So far just feeling cold and kind of blah. Pretty much the same as other treatments. So I'm taking it easy. I did notice that another weather system is headed my way on Tuesday. I hope it doesn't interfere with round two next week. One day at a time.
More to come!
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