Happy Easter!
I can say it now that Winter has past: We made it through OK. Of course, Mother Nature had to remind us on the first day of Spring that she still 'has it', by dumping nearly six inches of heavy wet snow on us. Amazingly, most of it melted by that afternoon and over the next few days there was nearly a trace to be seen. Good riddance, I say!
These past few weeks have been busy medically speaking. Apparently the trend is to utilize surgical centers for my upcoming procedures. This may be/could be easier for the medical staff to perform their miracles at these locations versus a hospital, but I'm finding it does have its drawbacks. Each surgical center requires a round of 'healthiness tests' and a sign off/approval to proceed from my primary care physician. Of course the clincher is that these tests must be done within a 30 days window of the procedure. You know, neither the reconstruction surgery nor the cataract surgery is scheduled within 30 days of each other. [For good reason - I need to recuperate enough to withstand the next cutting.] So I'm becoming a regular at my primary care and my co-pays continue to mount.
It is what it is.
On Wednesday I had my pre-op with Dr. Chatson. He reviewed my test results. [I passed.] He once again reviewed what he set out to accomplish during this (hopefully) last surgery. All is ready for early next week. He gave me more meds to take post-op and a list of 'don't do's', which includes not bathing for a few days. Needless to say my social calendar is empty next week. I don't have the 'luxury' of having a baldie this time so I'm sure I'll be fiddling with oily hair in a few days. If that's my only worry, I'm golden.
On Friday I had a pre-op with Dr. Song. This time it was in Waltham. Because I'm getting the Premier Package (cataract and astigmatism correction), I needed additional tests to measure my lens 'capsule' and determine the 'health' of my cornea and other structures. I was deemed to be a good candidate for this procedure. However, since the insurance only covers the cataract surgery and not the elective (astigmatism correction), I will be having a 'yuge' out of pocket expense. Once again - it is what it is. Plus, I'm worth it ;-)
Like Dr. Chatson, Dr. Song gave me a number of prescriptions to take before, during and after the procedure. I also have two follow-up appointments at the Waltham location. I was quickly reminded how much I hate commuting and especially driving 128. It took me 2 hours to get home last night. Horrible.
More to come.
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