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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Errant Suture

OMG!  May already.  Time just zips by.

Happy Cinco de Mayo [tomorrow] everyone! I sure hope the sun decides to return.  This cold, raw weather is really tough on the old bones.  The long term forecast seems to be stalled on the current weather pattern.  Oh well, no snow ;-)

I had a follow up visit with Dr. Chatson today.  I guess I was the first appointment.  The waiting room was empty and they told me to come right in.  Jude took my vitals and prepared me for the doctor's arrival.  Within a few minutes, the doctor and his assistant arrived.  He looked at the site and indicated that he wanted to 'pick away' at some of the remaining scabbing to see if any sutures were hiding.  An errant suture would delay the normal healing.  Sure enough, he found one and quickly (and almost painlessly) pulled it free.  The Physician's Assistant had me hold a mirror so I could see the site as the doctor examined.  He said, "Things are coming along nicely."

I was told to come back for another follow-up visit in a month.  (June before you know it.)

On another medical front, I was online and on the phone with Partners (Boston SurgiSite for my eye surgery next week) ensuring that there would be no 'issues' for insurance coverage and to determine my co-pay.  Jasmine was very helpful and confirmed that I was all set.  Now I just need confirmation from Mass Eye and Ear for the time.  All my paperwork says that they will contact me a few days before the procedure.  I'm all set with a ride to and from (thanks, Leslie). So it's a waiting game for final plans.

Health-wise, I'm doing OK.  Still have some 'bad days' but mostly good days. I'm still coping with the my side effects of chemo, but nothing is stopping me from living and enjoying life.  I've been very busy musically and I have re-joined the band I had to leave last year.  It's nice to be back in action.

More to come.

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