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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

"June is bustin' out all over"

By golly it's June.  And Mother Nature did not disappoint as she served up a splendiferous day to mark the first day of this month.  As I flipped the calendar page I could see many doctor appointments scheduled.  These check-ins and follow-ups also serve as vivid reminders of what I had undergone last year.  Looking back, by this time last year I had already been under the knife three times and was about to begin my regimen of chemotherapy.  Looking ahead, it's all behind me and I survived!

I've reached the clean-up and stabilization phase.
  • Cataract surgery was successful and (hopefully) I just have one more follow-up with Dr. Song.  
  • Dr. Gruber administered a spray of liquid nitrogen to treat a pre-cancerous area of my ear lobe and I have a follow-up scheduled for this month. 
  • In a visit with Dr. Chatson today, he indicated that things were coming along nicely and wants to see me in December.  
  • Also visited Dr. Mehta who 'felt me up' for possible cancerous lumps and found none.  I will also be seeing him in December. He filled my Tamoxifen prescription for another year and instructed me to perform self examinations for lumps.
  • Towards the end of this month, I am also scheduled to see Dr. Pare to see the status of my Triple A (Aneurysm).  It would be great to hear that there has been no change. But it is what it is. 
I'll be getting an inoculation for Shingles soon and will have the second shot (2 of 2) for Pneumonia. Hoping to avoid both of these maladies and having to write about these in the blog, other than providing a report of - task complete.

In the interim, I'm enjoying life, retirement and music.  I'm happy to report that the lingering (non-explained) neuropathy in my forefinger and thumb has almost completely dissipated. I'm still feeling (not feeling) the neuropathy in the balls of both feet.  But as I reported earlier, it does not impede my ability to walk or stand. I do experience chemo brain, still.  It happens at the oddest times and it's very disconcerting to me.  Luckily it's sporadic and for the most part just when trying to find the right word or remember some piece of information, like someone's name. But for the most part my memory is in tact.  I suppose my feet of clay are showing (LOL).

More to come!

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