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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Mid - September update

A bit late with this month's update.  Still enjoying the weather (missing the rain), but there seems to be plenty to do. On the health front, I had a few doctor appointments and each resulted in a satisfactory prognosis.

On September 1st, I had a follow-up with Dr Gruber. A few months ago during a screening for skin cancer, he found a pre-cancerous 'condition' on my ear lobe.  He 'froze it' and wanted to see how that was doing.  The good news is that it appears to have healed properly. Other good news is, other than age spots (he calls them wisdom spots), my skin is good.  However there were two areas that he's watching.  He did measure and record one dark spot on my arm that will be monitored.  He wants to see me next year.

Post-cataract follow-up
On September 2nd, I had my yearly check-up with my eye doctor (outside of Mass Eye and Ear).  Good news is my eye sight is 20/20, but my right eye could use some 'cheaters' when reading - if I need them.  Fortunately, my left eye is good and I'm having no problems reading -yet. My cataract in that eye is slow growing, so eventually this will all change, but for now - I'm good.

I had my 6 month check up with the dentist and was given a clean bill of health.

It's truly liberating to be able to have these check-ups and not have an anvil of bad news be the result. I'm still taking my walks as a prevention for blood clots (side effect of Tamoxifen). I average about 35 miles a week.  When I miss a day (due to weather or scheduling) I really feel like I'm slacking off. This is a good thing.  Walking is great exercise with many benefits.  I'll have to see what Mother Nature hands us in a few months and how I'm going to get my walking in.

"When I'm 64"
Way back in 1967, the Beatles released Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band. One whimsical tune was on that album.  It's really hard to believe that "When I'm 64" has personal relevance.  September 22nd will be my 64th birthday.

"Will you still need me. Will you still feed me,when I'm 64."

More to come!

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