I had my appointment with Dr.Chatson for my aureola tattoo this week. I was a bit anxious since I've never had a tattoo and the fear of the unknown had taken over. While at the doctor's office, I was assured that there would be very little pain and the whole procedure would be quick.
Andrea, the tattoo artist did most of the work with Dr. Chatson reviewing the progress of her work throughout the session. Andrea was quite capable, however, she had some difficulty with the tattoo needle. Apparently, there was a short in the cord and each time she started to use it, the machine would cut out. There was quite the commotion in trying to determine what the cause was and how to remedy it. I had already received numerous injections of local anesthesia, so I was hoping that they would get it figured out, as I didn't feel like coming back another day. Finally (after about a half hour of fussing) things were working properly. Being a tall guy, most examination tables are too short for me. Because of this, I don't 'fit' right and after time, my back begins to bother me. While they were working on a remedy I had asked to stand for a bit. I'm glad I was able to.
Once Andrea proceeded with the tattoo, things began to go quickly. Yes, there was no pain, only the weird sensation of something thumping repeatedly on my chest. Once she was done, the doctor gave his approval and she asked me to look at her work. They did mention that the color would be darker because pigment is lost over time. I did look down but thought afterwards that I should have been given a mirror so I could see it head on. Oh well.
I was bandaged up and instructed to not shower (or get the area wet) until Saturday. I was given a follow up appointment in April and I went on my merry way. Most of the day I was still numb, but as the evening approached I began to feel some discomfort. I did not sleep well that night due to the fact that I'm a side sleeper and was unable to find a comfortable position. Luckily night two was much better.
On Saturday I was able to remove the bandages and take a shower. However, the blood had dried into the bandage and I was unable to remove portions of it fearing that I would lift the scab. I cut away most of the bandage and soaked the remainder in the shower until I was able to delicately remove the rest. I did get a good look at the finished product and did see how the color was a bit stronger than my other nipple, but unless you knew or were really looking, you couldn't tell. He/she did a good job. Now the healing.
Other health issues
- Because of the storms, I needed to reschedule my Triple A consultation at UMass Medical until later in the month.
- I've been able to start walking again. I had worked up to three miles a day, but decided to take the weekend off since my foot was 'acting' up.
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