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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

New Meds, a New Date and Something Else

New Meds, a New Date and Something Else

Dr Hurley prescribed Ciprofloxasin (six tablets: 2 for the day before; 2 for the day of the procedure; 2 for day after).  I hate taking medication, but I also read all the literature that comes with it.  I was shocked to hear of the possible side effects.  The most disturbing being irritated tendons, separation of tendons and neuropathy to name a few.  

I had an upcoming visit with my primary care doctor and I discussed my concerns.  When I told him what I received and I was concerned with side effects, he immediately named the two that were most troubling to me.  He did say that I was only prescribed 6 tablets and the chances of my experiencing those side effects in particular were rare. I mentioned that male breast cancer is also rare.

Dr. Rees did mention that there are other antibiotics that could be substituted in lieu of Ciprofloxasin.  He suggested that I contact Dr. Hurley's office and indicated that I was uncomfortable with the prescription.  He said they would probably give me something else.

During my visit with Dr. Rees, while 'checking my vitals', I could hear an audible 'hmmmm' as he was feeling my glands in my neck.  I asked if something was wrong.  The doctor indicated that he was going to schedule me for an ultra-sound of my carotid artery.  He said, my left side had a good flow, but the right side not as good.  He indicated that as we age, these arteries get a build up of plaque.  Since my cholesterol numbers have always been stellar and I don't need meds for that he just wanted to be certain there was no blockage, which could lead to a stroke.

Yikes!  I'm scheduled for an ultra sound on August 5th.  So there will more to come on that.

I received a call from Dr. Hurley's office and they moved up my procedure date to August 31st (from September 15th).  In addition, I was told that the doctor sent in a new script to replace the Ciprofloxasin. I checked my online account and saw that an order of NITROFURANTOIN MONOHYDRATE was in process.  I quickly looked at the list of side effects (again scary), but not as concerning as the other.

More to come!

P.S. To those that have subscribed to email notification of my blog update, I was informed that the notification will be discontinued in August 2021.  So if you signed up for this type of notification, you will no longer received notice when I have updates.  Until I determine a work around, you'll have to bookmark this blog and check from time to time.  Sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! The risk of a stroke scares me more than cancer! If you need a ride to appointments, let me know. Miss Candy Bar is available.
