So It Starts
Dr. Ingham had ordered CT scans of by Lungs and Pelvic area. I had requested that these be done 'up here' versus my having to drive to Brighton. I was pleased to only have to go on the other side of town to the Merrimack Valley Holy Family Hospital.
It was a beautiful day. Sunny and close to 70 degrees. I arrived at 11:15 for my appointment at 11:30. My check-in was easy. Having been here before, I knew where Radiology was located and got there at 11:20. I was asked if I had lab work (blood work) in the last three weeks. I had not. So I was directed to the lab down the hall. There were two ahead of me, so I sat and watched The Price Is Right until I was called. I had to sign-in and my being tall didn't help my penmanship on the sign-in sheet taped to the wall. When it was my turn the phlebotomist paused and said, "Is there someone here with a name that begins with an 'R'?" That's me. I did glance at the sign-in sheet and because of the angle I wrote, it did look like RIJ. So I gave her my paperwork and we proceeded to the lab. While she entered info into the computer and printed out some labels, I prepared myself by rolling up my sleeve. When she walked over, she seemed happy that I was ready. She was good. Really no pain and barely a pinch. I was done.
I arrived back at Radiology. I was given some paperwork to complete. By the time I was done, the attendant had taken a break (or lunch) and someone else was covering. Four people came in after me and they were all taken as I waited, for almost an hour. All I could think of is my having to leave for lab work made me lose my place. I wish I knew I had to have that done, I would have come earlier. Oh well.
By this time nature was calling, but I was afraid to leave in case I'd lose my place again. By this time the first attendant had returned and saw me standing. She said, "Oh they haven't called you yet?" Nope. But I did ask where the rest room was. I was instructed to walk down the hall and it would be on my right. No sooner did I finish and walk out, a technician called my name and asked that I follow her. Perfect timing.
Entering the CT scan room, I was instructed to hang up my coat, lay on the slab and pull my pants down to my knees. She was nice enough to give me a blanket since it was chilly in the room. She told me that I would have a stint and would be given and IV of saline and then some dye. I offered up my same arm used for the blood test and she inserted the needle but soon said that my 'valve' wasn't working. [What? You have valves in your veins?]. I suggested she use the other arm. By this time another technician arrived and assisted. She was good. Barely a pinch and she said the valve was working good. So she 'flushed' me and I was told that I needed to extend my arms (so they stayed straight and out of scanning chamber). I was told that I would take a few passes, then they would inject dye and I'd have a few more passes.
I've had scans done before and they may have been a different kind, but each pass only took a few minutes for this. The machine told me when to take a deep breath, hold, then exhale. After the first round, the technician said that I would feel warm as the dye was injected. It was a very weird feeling, but not painful. I made a few more passes and she said, "You're done."
The stints were removed and I was told to get dressed. She said have a great day.
So the images will be sent to Dr. Ingham and I have a tele-health appointment scheduled for 11/24 (day before Thanksgiving). Now the waiting and hoping for a clear path for treatment.
More to come!
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