Omicron found me
I finally got notification on Sunday that I had tested positive for Covid-19. Already in isolation since mid-week, there was nothing for me to do other than wait it out. Fortunately for me, my symptoms were mild. I had a sore throat one day then runny nose and bouts of coughing. I've been sleeping about 10 hours a night, mostly uninterrupted. I took a day off from singing and performed a set of instrumentals for a live-stream. Eventually I eased back into singing. A little scratchy, but happy to be able to. I believe my isolation period is over and I'll just need to mask up (something I do anyway). A friend of mine dropped off a home testing kit that I will take, but since I'm still home-bound, I'll wait until I plan to go out in public. It's been brutally cold and I've skipped a few days of taking my walk. Hoping to resume.
Dr Ingham's office was able to schedule a cystoscopy at St Elizabeth's, Brighton for January 25th. Given the current state of affairs, they require a PCR test 24 hours in advance with a negative finding. They were insistent that a home test would not suffice. The scheduler said that she was looking at hospitals in my area (and in their network), but she indicated that there were no appointments. She asked if I could go there on 1/24. I informed her that I currently have Covid and would not prefer to go to Brighton, just to test and turn around home. She said she'd get back to me. I'm hoping that Omicrom will wind down enough to have me tested 'up here'.
So at this point, my sister Leslie agreed to take me to my procedure. It's a 10:15 check in and 12pm procedure. It generally takes about an hour. Dr Ingham indicated that he may find and scrap out a nodule that showed up in the MRI. I really, really hope that I don't have a catheter. But, I pray that once he's in there, his feelings are validated on how to proceed. Please, not radical treatment!
More to come!
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