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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Round Three

Loose Ends

Since the last post, I did get confirmation that my surgery (biopsy/cystoscopy) had been moved to November 22nd at Holy Family, Methuen.  Scheduled as day surgery,  I'm sure I'll be having the much hated catheter as a parting gift just for playing.  Being so close to Thanksgiving, I hope it's removed so I can have some semblance of the holiday of over-eating. I'm still waiting for confirmation of my next 3 BCG treatments.

Round Three

I had my third round of BCG today.  The appointment was scheduled for 9:30AM.  I left the house at 9 and took the highway.  I was surprised how light the traffic was.  It was like a Sunday.  I made it to the N Andover office in a bit more than 10 minutes. There was no rush to get inside to check-in.  

Upon checking in and being charged $50 copay (no credit this time - crazy), I was given the urine specimen jar and marching orders to supply at least half a container's worth.  Easy enough.  Task completed. I waited to be called when I returned to the waiting room.  Being 'early' compared to last time, I observed a number of older males all dealing with similar problems.  Just hearing the various conversations and replies to questions, I knew I was in the club, unfortunately.

I heard my name called and a familiar medical professional greeted me. As we walked to the examination room, I was quizzed.  At least, when I gave my date of birth, she said, "Oh, Happy Birthday". I knew the drill, and prepared for my treatment.  Pants down, sitting on a diaper and having a rather large paper towel/blanket cover the family jewels, I waited for Michael.

Michael arrived and after the quiz he asked how I weathered the last treatment.  Other than being a bit sore inside, I did well.  He asked if I passed any blood or had any other side effects.  I said, "No". He asked how long I had held in the BCG while I marinated at home last time.  I mentioned an hour and almost 50 minutes.  He advised that I not have coffee next time so I can make the recommended two hours.  I mentioned that I had not heard back from the scheduler, Anna, on my next three treatments.  He looked at his laptop and said, "Yes, I don't see you listed.  But I did talk to Anna and she will be calling you with the times.  All the treatments are on Wednesday, it's just a matter of scheduling.  She'll call, probably tomorrow.  I will be seeing you next week".

He went to work.  Still unpleasant, but very fast.  "We are done", he said.  He said to dress and wait for Anna's call, then pointed out my egress and exchanged pleasantries. I drove home.

I grabbed the kitchen timer and assumed my first position of the marinade.  I'm happy to say that I made all two hours today.  YAY!

Now I wait for any side effects and the call from Anna.  

[Post Script]:  

9/21 - Side effects have kicked in.  Fleeing kind of sore and blah, unfortunately I'm now bleeding.  Hope it clears up soon. Also got a call and my colonoscopy scheduled for March 23, 2023. 

9/22 -Received a letter today from Anna indicating my next three appointments for BCG.  Next Wednesday through October 12th.  

Had a follow-up appointment with eye doctor I now have to reschedule. Still bleeding.  

Had a crappy birthday ;-( 

More to come!

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