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Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Another Graduation (of sorts)

There was frost on the windshield this morning.  I guess it's time to take the snow brush and ice scraper from the cellar and place in the car.  I guess snow shovels will be next, but left's not rush things.

I had an early appointment at the urologist today to get my final dose of BCG.  According to Dr Previte, this should be my last round.  I'll be having an in-office cystoscopy in about a month.  If my bladder is clear (and free of cancer), I'll be relegated to an annual check up.

I had an earlier appointment today.  Not knowing what the traffic situation would be like, I gave myself 40 minutes for a normal 10-15 minute drive.  The office opens at 8AM, so being one of the first patients has its advantages: plenty of parking. 

I arrived at 7:45 and was worried that I might have to wait until they officially opened, but thankfully the door was unlocked and my check in was immediate.  After providing the obligatory urine sample, it wasn't too long before I was called. Upon hearing my name, I responded, "Here", and approached the medical professional.  After exchanging pleasantries, she grilled me for my personal info as we walked to an all too familiar examination room, I dubbed the meat locker.  Luckily today, it wasn't cold.

Getting prepared for the instillation, I was all set waiting for Morgan to arrive.  It didn't seem too long when she did arrive.  Looking at my folder/notes, she said, "This is your last one".  Gleefully, I responded, "Yes".  Morgan asked if I already had my in office cystoscopy scheduled, to which I said, 'Yes".

Morgan struck up a conversation (as a distraction) and shared that she and her husband are looking to buy a house.  She has a two year old now and they no longer want to rent.  We chatted about paying down the principle to reduce the time-frame of the loan.  And before you knew it, she was done. She is getting to be quite the pro.  We wished each other Happy Holidays.  And I jokingly said, "I hope I don't have to see you least not under these circumstances". 

I arrived home in about 10 minutes and began my marination.  Those last 10 minutes are the toughest.  I tried, but I couldn't stand the discomfort and was shy of my 2 hour marination.

Since the side effects of BCG are cumulative, today's recovery was rough.  It seemed that I needed to 'go' every 5 minutes with very little output.  I was hoping the pyridium would kick in (which it did by 5PM).   I felt blah, most of the day and needed to constantly visit the facilities.  I'm glad I had some depends to use, otherwise I'd be changing my clothes a number of times. I didn't plan on leaving the house so I decided to change my guitar strings.  With each string I replaced, I needed to rush to the toilet.  Even though I had an extra layer of protection, the urge was so strong and the burning so intense, the little I produced was not satisfying.  But I've been through this.  It's just a commitment. 

It's 6:30 now, and although I had many calls to nature, they seem to be less frequent and my output has increased.  I'm sure I will be having disrupted sleep tonight.

So, the healing begins and the next 'look see' will be December 19th.  Hoping for good results.

More to come!

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