Tomorrow will be the first week of chemo #2. I must admit that Dr. Mehta was on the money when he said that I would be fatigued. From last Saturday and continuing until today I've been so fatigued that I can barely do a thing except watch TV. I have managed to do some laundry and household chores, but not without having to stop and rest. Under normal circumstances I would be bouncing off the walls if I weren't doing something. I always have a running 'to do' list, but I'm selective (to the point of doing what's really necessary) in accomplishing anything on the list. Just typing this entry takes energy. My typing skills are suffering and each sentence needs a correction of my misspellings and typos. I've re-read some of my recounting of my first round of chemo and am hopeful that I'll begin to regain energy over time.
As for side effects, other than the fatigue, I'm not really hungry. I do have cravings from time to time and I'll try to satisfy those when I can. I was really wanting shrimp with cocktail sauce the other day. I recall having purchased some cooked and frozen shrimp and retrieved it from the freezer. Of course it needs to thaw. I was bummed to see that it had freezer burn. Not wanting to risk getting ill, I threw it all out. [My trash is going to be extra odoriferous this week.] Still hankering for shrimp, I ventured out to a local Market Basket only to find that all they had was the frozen variety - not the 'eat it now' kind. I resorted to imitation crab, but still have not opened the package. Really not the same.
I'm still experiencing that odd numbness of my forefinger and thumb and I've had to 'banana-up' to combat the charlie horses that have returned. I'm regular, but passing stools is painful. I hope that subsides and/or doesn't worsen. I've had gas pains too. [Not on my list of side effects.] I haven't had nausea, but thoughts of certain foods lessen my appetite. I've lost that 'water weight' again and an additional pound to boot. I've drunk so much flavored water that I'm beginning to turn from that too. I'm resorting to more milk.
I've had no problem sleeping and am keeping to a consistent schedule of sleeping and rising. Weather has been trending warmer with higher humidity, so I'm sure that is also affecting me. Tomorrow is supposed to be cooler and dryer. I'm looking forward to that and hopes that I have higher energy levels.
Things could be much worse. So I continue to do the little things and binge watch. [Almost done with Game of Thrones - five seasons. I'm storing up episodes of season two of True Detective and a few other premium channel series that seem interesting.]
More to come. Thanks for reading.
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