First off - Happy Independence Day!
Yesterday was the first full day of this second round of chemo. Surprisingly, I didn't have the lingering headache (yet) and my energy level seemed to be 'ok'. I rationalized and put off any mundane chores to another day (since I have time due to retirement). However, I have noticed some (apparent) side effects that I may have had a little of last time. Most notably, my sleep patterns are disrupted. Although I have periods of fatigue and take cat naps (very annoying when I'm watching something and have to 'rewind'), I haven't been able to get a good night's sleep.
Yesterday I was hoping to attend a party in Gloucester, so I tried to conserve all my energy so I could attend. It was a nice ride and a friend drove. We picked up another friend on the way. The weather was beautiful and there was virtually no traffic. We found a place to park with a little walking required, but exercise is good and the weather was very conducive.
The party (billed as an Extravaganza and it truly was) was well attended; had a band; was catered; had a fully stocked open/self service bar (drats no alcohol allowed for me - and I wasn't even the driver) and guests were also bringing in trays of home-made entrees and goodies. There were plenty of tents and seats for everyone who wanted to chow down. The buffet table was being constantly restocked so there wasn't a need for anything except for second and third helpings. Very relaxing.
By 6:15, most revelers were moving seats to the front of the house which was the perfect viewing spot for the parade that passed directly in front. One of the party hosts, who knows every one, entertained us by greeting each parade unit and sometimes marched in front or along side them waving old glory. Lots of sights, sounds and laughs. An excellent time (thanks to the Carls).
After the parade guest retreated to the food once again and of course the bar. For me it was a good time to leave and I'm glad my friends agreed. Traffic wasn't too bad but as we approach home we could see various municipal firework displays which could only mean that traffic would follow. Luckily I was able to convince the driver to take some back roads which allowed us to escape the bottle necks, but made the trip a bit longer.
I got home at 9:45 and decided to watch some TV. I wanted to drink water before bed so I could flush the chemo out (as directed). It was tough. I kept dozing off. Finally, I gave in and went to bed. I did not sleep well. Kept waking up to sounds of illegal fireworks and the occasional rowdy drive-by with unnecessary yelling. Well maybe necessary - it wast the 4th.
I got up at 2 AM because I was so restless. Yes, I fell asleep for a bit in the chair and then decided to go back to bed. Still tossing and turning, I think I finally got a few hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Unlike the weather predictions, the 4th wasn't sunny, but overcast with a chance of showers. I suppose it's just as well. I thought that I may mow the lawn, but my energy level is too low. I may not even run the washing machine. I'm feeling pretty blah and bloated. Last time I attributed the bloating to the prednisone, but I'm well off that. I know I ate last night, but I don't think that would equate to almost a five pound weight gain. I am after all, forcing more water than I generally drink and I feel puffy. However, my ankles are OK. If I were retaining water there, it would trigger a condition that needs medical attention. So I'll give it time and maybe over the next few days I'll pass this water weight through. (hopefully). I hate seeing those numbers on the scale.
The tingling in my thumb and forefinger is a bit more prevalent. (Weirdest thing - just annoying.) I'm slowly losing more hair elsewhere on my body - slowly but surely. I really don't have much of an appetite or willingness to anything today. I guess it's going to be one of those days that I become a lump and hope for a better day tomorrow.
Well at least I celebrated last night.
More to come.
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