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Thursday, June 6, 2024

And So It Begins.....again

On the anniversary of D Day, I had an appointment with Dr Previte for my in-office cystoscopy to ensure that the cancer hasn't returned and ultimately 'clear me' for my next round of BCG. 

It was cloudy and a bit humid today.  Most cars are looking green because of all the pollen.  We are supposed to get some rain later, so cars will return to their normal color for a day or two.  Spring!

I arrived to a full parking lot today, but manged to find a slot not far from the door.  The lobby was busy, but patients were being processed rather quickly.  I checked in and gave my obligatory specimen and waited to be called.

It wasn't too long before hearing my name announced.  I followed the nurse who was grilling me for my personal information, but I knew which room we were going to.  Once there she did some prepping for the doctor then asked me to drop trousers and assume the position.  I waited for Dr Previte to arrive.

Not too long after, the nurse arrived with Dr Previte.  After some pleasantries and reaffirming my medical situation and last round of treatments, he asked if I was experiencing any blood or difficulties urinating.  Answering to the negative, he then prepared the device to begin it's descent into my bladder.

I had a clear view of the screen and he was a bit more descriptive as to what we were seeing.  I was concerned when I saw some spots, but as he zoomed in, they were just 'puckering' of the tissue that once had cancer cells removed.  The camera moved all around as the doctor examined the walls.  To my eyes the skin looked like baby's new skin.  He interjected,  "We are now at the opening to the diverticulum".  He stated that this is the area I previously had much of the cancer.  It looked squeaky clean.  He said, "I'm about to say you are cancer free, but I want to check out the urators (vessels that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder)." He navigated to what my eyes looked like, an exposed vein, then he zoomed in to a tiny opening.  He said, "The watched pot never boils, but I want to see it open and see if the urine is coming through alright". But while watching, I could see the tiny while open up like a whale's blow hole.  He said, " That's what I wanted to see".  The human body is amazing.

He removed the device/camera then said, "You are OK to begin your next round". He said, " You'll be done with 'all this' in 2025".

More to come!

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