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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

A Necessary Evil

Since my last in office cystoscopy on D Day (June 6th),  Dr Previte scheduled my next round of maintenance BCG. Seems like a hot minute when July 3rd came around for my pre-treatment check in. Being the day before the 4th, it was quite busy, but it ended up being a quick check-in and specimen drop off.  This was to ensure I was still a candidate for this next round.  Yes, I passed!

We happen to be in the grips of an extended heatwave.  Temps have been in the 90's and humidity hovering around 76%.  Pretty hellish.  Luckily for me my portable AC is working overtime and is pulling lots of moisture out of the air.  It's by no means cool, but it's far better than the weather outside.  In the afternoon (as the house bakes in the sun) the inside temps get into the mid 80's.  But with copious fans strategically placed, the 'semi-cooled' air gets moved around making it tolerable.  After the sun goes down, the temp in the house gets to 72 degrees, so sleeping isn't too bad.

I had an early appointment today for my first round of 3 doses.  I arrived at 7:45 and after the standard check in and specimen, I was called in.  The nurse was really liking my mustache.  (Go figure).  After verifying my vitals stats, I was brought to a familiar room where I was told the PA, Morgan would be with me briefly. I've had Morgan before.  She is very efficient and knows what she's doing.  The instillation was relatively painless (mostly uncomfortable) but quick.  I got out at 8:30.  Not bad at all.

Just in the short period of time the temperature was already 88 at 8:30AM.  Car ACs are nice, but when you leave the confines of the car, the oven awaits and even though the house AC had been on, it didn't feel very cool.  Oh well.

I did my 2 hour marination.  I actually dozed for a bit and probably had an extended period on one side, but I did make it through without having much discomfort.  (I didn't have any coffee or tea so there was little water in me).

Just taking it easy today.  More to come!

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