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Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I Remember This Now

The brutal heat wave continues.  Had just a brief thunderstorm last night.  Didn't really rain much and only made the air more humid.  They always talk about the dog days of Summer being in August.  Doesn't provide much comfort from my view in mid July.  Well at least there's no shoveling LOL!

I went for round two of the BCG this morning.  The early morning 'seemed' cooler, but by the time I arrived in North Andover, the sun was in full force and started cooking.

Being one of the first patients to be seen today, I figured I'd be in and out.  But I had to wait longer than usual.  Of course, there was another Richard in the waiting room.  So when they called the name I immediately approached the medical professional, but could hear the other party asking if they wanted [Last name not heard].  The response was affirmative.  So it wasn't my turn.

Finally I was called.  I was grilled for my identification verification and must have passed the pop quiz because I was directed to follow the medical professional to an all familiar examination room I call the 'meat locker'.  With the weather being what it has been, one would find the 'freezing' room a pleasant respite, But wearing "Summer-attire", and only having an extra large napkin for coverage, I had memories of the Seinfeld episode where George Costanza had 'shrinkage' issues.  Well enough of that.

The Physician's Assistant, Morgan, was the BCG administrator again today.  Like last time she was very quick, efficient and performed her duties with very little discomfort.  Once completing her task, she reminded me about my marination responsibilities and what to do if I had an adverse reaction.  She looked at her notes and said, "Until next week".

Upon arriving home, I commenced the marination.  Past instances, I experienced discomfort during the last 15 minutes of the two hours.  But today was a tough one.  About half way through I was so uncomfortable.  Being a 'regular' guy, I can set the clock on when it's time to "go".  But not having coffee today, the body decided that maybe now was a good time. Oh my god, between having a full bladder and a full colon, the last hour almost brought me to tears.  It was reminiscent of my extra long commutes to work and having to 'hold it in'.  I made it to almost 2 hours.  (Just shy of 5 minutes).  I gingerly waltzed to the bathroom and made a huge deposit.  (Sorry for the visual). This is the first time I've had this.  I hope it doesn't repeat.

My treatment last week was pretty easy to tolerate.  But given the corrosive properties of the BCG and second barrage, my bladder wasn't happy.  Frequent urination with very little output, burning and feelings of pins and needles through my entire body.  As cautioned, I have had some blood.  I'm sure it will clear up by tomorrow.  I did take Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride (AZO tabs), but it takes a bit to go through the system.  That has helped in the past.

So a do nothing day today.  Staying near the toilet and drinking a lot of water to flush things out. I do remember that these side effects are sort of accumulative.  So I'm not looking forward to next week in that regard.

More to come!

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