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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

No News Is Good News

I had a follow-up appointment today with my oncologist, Dr Mehta.  I was scheduled to have a Blood Draw prior to meeting with Dr Mehta, so I arrived as instructed and after a quick check in I was called.

After being grilled for my credentials,  I had my weight and height checked.  Apparently gravity is still winning and I'm a half inch shorter than my last visit.  My weight was about the same as my last visit.  Upon completion, I was brought over to the lab portion.  I was once again grilled for my identification.

After providing the correct information, I was asked which arm I wanted to use.  Generally the phlebotomist has difficulty getting blood from both my arms and ends up drawing the blood from my hand.  I guess that information fell on deaf ears because neither arm produced blood.  The medical professional called for another to try.  Same result.  Once again I felt like I was a pin cushion.  Finally, they got some blood from my hand.  Deja vu!

After my needling, I was brought to the exam room and was told Dr Mehta would be right in.  He did come within a few minutes.

After pleasantries, he asked me about the the progress of my bladder cancer treatments and current results of the BCG.  He appeared to be happy that my treatments are working.  He did say that if that changes, there are other options.  Let's hope I don't need to consider those.

Dr Mehta then asked me to lift my shirt and he began to feel for lumps, anomalies and swollen lymph nodes. I heard him say, "Good".

He then asked about my next mammogram, to which I said I already had one scheduled for December.  (I found out when I got home that the appointment is in March).  So he said he wanted to see me following my next mammogram. So he said, "See you in January".

Upon check out, I was booked for January 15, 2025.

Once I got home, I checked my calendar and noticed the mammogram was scheduled for March 17, 2025.  So I went to my patient portal and left a message indicating that information and requested another follow-up visit after the mammogram. While in the portal, I noticed the results of my blood test. All results fell within normal limits.  However there were two test that fell just over/under the normal limits.  One showed my red blood cell count was slightly lower that the normal range and my glycerine level was slightly elevated, neither had red flags.

So I await my new appointment.  Happy that I have no new news to report, which is good news.

More to come!

Post Script: I received a call from Dr Mehta's office and I have my appointment rescheduled to March 25, 2025.

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