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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ground Hog Day - Update

 Well it appears that Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow and scampered into his den, thus signaling 6 more weeks of Winter.  Apparently his counterpart, Staten Island Chuck has signaled Spring right around the corner.  Clearly one is dealing with alternative facts.   Time will tell.

I had my appointment with Dr. Jonathan Ross of New England Neurological in Lawrence this morning.  I was referred to him by my Oncologist, Dr. Mehta as a result of my 'gradual' worsening of the neuropathy in my feet (balls of feet and toes on each foot).  After finding the office and filling out the obligatory patient paperwork, I was called into Dr. Ross's office for patient interview to gather history and a subsequent examination.

After telling my 'story', Dr. Ross asked me to remove my pants and socks.  He had me stand on each foot with my eyes closed; on my tip toes; and on my heels. He seemed pleased that I could pass the 'field sobriety test' and had me sit on the examination table.  He looked into my eyes and had me verify some of his hand movements.  [Not sure why he was checking eyes, but I did tell him I had cataract surgery last May.]

He checked my reflexes then moved a cold-to-the-touch, implement at various points on my legs and feet.  I was surprised how I couldn't feel any coolness on my lower feet.  To some extent, I had a lesser sense of the temperature all the way up my calves before I could feel how cold the implement really was.  That was an eye opener for me.

Dr. Ross then asked me to close my eyes and tell me when I could feel a pin.  I had no sensation until he got to my ankles.  As he went up the calf, I could feel the discomfort.  Another eye opener.

After all the testing, Dr Ross stated that he agreed the neuropathy was a side effect of the chemo and most likely won't get worse or improve.  He said, "Unfortunately there is no cure and your being tall is not helping you.  The regeneration cells/nutrients have far to travel in your body, so your lower extremities are exhibiting the various degrees of neuropathy. You may, over time have some improvement, but all you can do is wait and see if it worsens before having neurological tests performed."

Well I can't say I expected any more or less.  It is what it is.  I'd gladly take this amount of neuropathy over a second round of cancer.  As long as I'm still able to enjoy life and be mobile without nerve pain, I'm happy to monitor its progression.

I did mention to Dr. Ross that Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) runs in my family.  He thought that this wasn't that, but recommended a test if it progresses.  He did ask if I knew which gene my siblings had.  Apparently there are many genes capable of causing CMT so I'll ask.

So it appears that there is nothing he can do for me or my condition.  He did mention again to contact the office if things change (worsen).  If this does happen he wants to give me some tests.

Updates on other health issues

  • Triple A - After some research, I decided to go with the current traditional endo-vascular repar (EVAR) approach.  I have an appointment at UMass Medical in Worcester in a few weeks.
  • My sore foot - After two months of being unable to take my daily walks due to an unexplained pain in my left foot, I'm happy to report that I was able to take a 1 mile walk yesterday.  The foot is not 100% yet, but I'm hoping to build the muscle back so I can resume my regimen of 2-5 miles per day.  Baby steps!
  • Reconstruction - I have an appointment in a few weeks for my aureola tattoo.  This should be interesting.

More to come!

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