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Monday, November 28, 2016

Annual Follow-up with Dr. Moore

The end of the year seems to accelerate faster and faster.  It's hard to believe it's already been a year since I last saw Dr. Moore.

I had my annual follow-up today and was examined for anomalies in my breasts and arm pits.  Last month after having a very bad cold, my lymph glands were swollen and tender.  But thankfully (as I found from my internet research), they were 'doing their job' and draining.  I had noticed last week that I was no longer having those symptoms.  I did tell the doctor that my heightened awareness of my body's changes always makes me think that the cancer is returning.  Well he didn't find anything 'unusual'.  However, he asked when I last had a mammogram.  I believe that was when the lump was first discovered (a year ago March).

Doctor Moore requested that I have a mammogram and scheduled it for next week at the Breast Care Center of Holy Family in Methuen.  He wanted both breasts done so he can have a base line.  He also wants me to have one next year before my follow-up so he can compare the two for changes.

I had mentioned that there wasn't much 'meat' on my left (reconstructed) breast.  He said, "There's still tissue".  [I'm sure I'll have an interesting report following the mammogram.]

So next week will be busy with two doctor visits (Mehta and Chatson) and a mammogram.

More to come.

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